my first HIGHheel!!!hahahaha~
mybe 4 people yg xknl ak, rase cam bese je klu someone tu beli or pakai highheel kan..
but, 4 people who are close with me msti korg kate ak da 'buang tebiat" right??
huh~can u imagine??pompuan yg xbrape nak 'sopan' ni tetibe plak trnsform jd ala2 ladies tuu..
hahahaha~for me, ak rase mmg funny gakk la pasal i never plan to have even 1 pair of 'dat thing' not least i've try to be cam pompuan len..
huh..but, there is one more thing yg really2 susa nak ubah..
that is ; the way i sit..the way i talk(pkataan2 yg ak gne kan arr)..& the way i walk..
ngaaaa~seriously, mmg susa ak nak ubah..(xkan ubah kott)hahaha
ntok korg2 yg da bese ngan 'kasot2 pompuan' cmni msti akn ckp..
"ala..poyo jer minah sliper jamban uma ak kott.."
hahahaha~whatever it is, ni laa ak..
g kls everyday, pakai jeans,t-shirt n snikers(btol ker ni?)hahaha
tetibe plak wat gler, g kls pkai mende atas tuu..mmg lawakk..
huhu..maybe next time klu ade sale lg leh laa bli kott..(erkk..jap2..ak xserius ni..)haha
maybe not..if senang nak jln xpe x..i've to control all my behave..OMG!
cam cipott laa..hah!
last..where that i bought n the cost tuu xpenting kott nak mention here..
hahaha..hopefully, people around me yg nmpak ak pakai "sliper" tu jgn laa TERtolak ak plak..kah3~(joking laa)
the most important make me comfortable, n simple...
End Of Story...=)
mybe 4 people yg xknl ak, rase cam bese je klu someone tu beli or pakai highheel kan..
but, 4 people who are close with me msti korg kate ak da 'buang tebiat" right??
huh~can u imagine??pompuan yg xbrape nak 'sopan' ni tetibe plak trnsform jd ala2 ladies tuu..
hahahaha~for me, ak rase mmg funny gakk la pasal i never plan to have even 1 pair of 'dat thing' not least i've try to be cam pompuan len..
huh..but, there is one more thing yg really2 susa nak ubah..
that is ; the way i sit..the way i talk(pkataan2 yg ak gne kan arr)..& the way i walk..
ngaaaa~seriously, mmg susa ak nak ubah..(xkan ubah kott)hahaha
ntok korg2 yg da bese ngan 'kasot2 pompuan' cmni msti akn ckp..
"ala..poyo jer minah sliper jamban uma ak kott.."
hahahaha~whatever it is, ni laa ak..
g kls everyday, pakai jeans,t-shirt n snikers(btol ker ni?)hahaha
tetibe plak wat gler, g kls pkai mende atas tuu..mmg lawakk..
huhu..maybe next time klu ade sale lg leh laa bli kott..(erkk..jap2..ak xserius ni..)haha
maybe not..if senang nak jln xpe x..i've to control all my behave..OMG!
cam cipott laa..hah!
last..where that i bought n the cost tuu xpenting kott nak mention here..
hahaha..hopefully, people around me yg nmpak ak pakai "sliper" tu jgn laa TERtolak ak plak..kah3~(joking laa)
the most important make me comfortable, n simple...
End Of Story...=)
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