Thursday, April 7, 2011

badly done.

oh! all those things is killing me silently.betul.ok.there is another one test coming up next.
again.on SUNDAY babe.
*dah lah tadi aku hampir dijumpai mati akibat tak habis study untuk quiz MAF.tak tahu lah ahad ni macam mana.mungkin lebih dahsyat dan tragis lagi.
sila jangan salah faham kepada aku.that is not my fault kalau aku tak habis is just that when i started to study with all my heart n soul,  mata aku mula berkaca and guess what.tingggg! my world turns dark suddently. iya.suddently lah!

oh! seriously.even aku dah tidur paling terlebih cukup tahap tertinggi, bila bukak buku...errr.*tak sanggup nak sambung.

mak.abah.please forgive your sweet lovely daughter ni.*kebetulan kalau mereka ni called, aku mesti tengah segarbugar lepas makan lah.lepas mandi lah.haih.of course lah mak bapak aku  imagine yang anak dia ni bersemangat tahap tertinggi setiap hari.


*thanks for reading.

"Always look at what you have left.Never look at what you have lost."
- Robert H. Schuller

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